Saturday, May 11, 2013

thoughts about writing music and stuff

Wondering where I should begin to post song lyrics...blogger? fb? gplus? too many options....hmmm....i dunno....starting to tget a system together again...i just don't want to be too involved in the web game a lot going on at the farm and making music is a constant obsession....I often found that i would grind to a halt with visual art due to some sort of hang up about supplies (I subconsciously avoid painting when I get the little tubes because I think I am going to run out..or not get more..and not be able to express myself....stupid eh? hook my head and laughed at my own irony when I realized this..) but music that is something totally different...just have my brain..that's all i need too...maybe a notebook if I want to write it down..but in the end...I am a contained studio...but sometimes I find that there are too many options to take something and picking a definite can be hard..I have also found that although I usually have no problem letting someone help me write a song (I had a wonderful time with cheepha workin on our psa original from me collaborated and polished with cheepha) but it seems that other people usually have a problem being creatively flexible...can't even listen to an idea or thought direction... maybe they only find sharing and collaboration enjoyable if they are contributing and feel violated when the situation is reversed...i dunno..i just keep writing...

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